About Styll Meditation

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To the Styll Community:

Ever since I was a little girl, I have been trying to connect with myself in a deep way. I spent years doing therapy, psychoanalysis, rebirthing, reiki - you name it, I’ve tried it. While it was all great work, I still found myself spinning around in my own head. My teachers all expressed the importance and benefits a regular meditation practice would have on me, so I eventually made it a New Year’s Resolution to start meditating daily for 5 minutes. 

During daily sits, I managed to let my guard down and would sometimes get this wave or this feeling inside myself that was blissful. I came to know this as self-confidence, self-love and self-acceptance with no judgements. I had never experienced anything like it. Meditation brought me to that deeper self I had been searching for and established a connection to myself that I can only describe as friendship. Call me corny, but this was the real deal. Having had these experiences, I knew I wanted to deepen my practice. I began attending group meditation classes in the city and soon decided to attend the meditation teacher training program at MNDFL in New York City.

This practice is something that has brought so much joy and deep meaning to my life and I’m so happy to bring this to you. Come join us in a relaxed environment and take a break from life’s daily stressors. Our meditation instructors will help facilitate space for you to work with your mind and find your inner Styll.

Love, Jane Pollack

“Meditation brought me to that deeper self I had been searching for and established a connection to myself that I can only describe as friendship.”

- Jane Pollack, Founder and Owner